Uniform and Equipment

School Uniform

Please visit the Uniform section on the Bay House School website via the button above.

Please visit the Uniform section on the Brune Park School website via the button above. 

Our school uniform and PE kit items can be purchased from Skoolkit, 149 West Street, Fareham, PO16 0YA. Phone: 01329 822509. You can also order online at www.skoolkit.co.uk/skoolkit_fareham

Essential Equipment

Bringing the correct equipment to every lesson allows you to proceed with work as efficiently and independently as possible. It allows for a positive and calm start to every session and prevents time from being wasted.  Pupils must bring a school bag large enough to carry PE kit, books, an A4 folder and their lunch in addition to a pencil case (clear case during exam periods) containing ALL of the following items:

☑Two black or blue pens

☑ Rubber

☑ Pair of compasses

☑ Ruler

☑ Sharpener

☑ Protractor

☑ Scientific calculator

☑ Two Pencils

☑ Highlighters

Stationery is available to purchase from the Finance office on our Bay House site for the following prices:

We also sell the following items on our Brune Park site: